Wednesday, June 20, 2012

For longer life, lower your acidity levels

Here at the American Longevity Institute it's our mission to bring to you valuable health information to help you live a longer and happier life.

But, I can't understand when occasionally we stumble upon a hard-hitting health research discovery that should be front page news-and isn't.

This is one of those times.

A series of independent studies have shown that acidic levels in the body can be extremely detrimental to health and long life if not returned to proper balance.

Here's snippet of what they discovered:
  • Swiss researchers conducting studies on lab rats determined that high acid levels in the body stunted their growth and muscular-skeletal degeneration.   
  • A seven-year study from the University of California on 9,000 women determined that women with normal acid levels are more likely to have healthy bones.
  • Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that maintaining an optimally healthy acid levels promoted excellent respiratory and lung health-increased acidity levels could contribute to inflammation in bronchial airways.    
  • In a new study reported in the peer-reviewed journal, Diabetes Care, researchers from Norway discovered water acidity is directly linked to a greater balance of healthy blood sugar levels.
The research also showed that when the body's acidity is too high it will essentially CANNIBALIZE itself in order to return the body back to its proper pH balance.

The body turns to the lungs, kidneys, bones and skin in order to try and neutralize the excess acid. But it only succeeds in slowly destroying the body's health.

For optimum health your body needs to have a balanced "pH level."

The letters pH stand for "potential of hydrogen" and is measured on a scale from 0 to 14-zero representing most acidic and 14 representing most alkaline.

Your perfect balance needs to be between 7.0 and7.5, just slightly alkaline.

So how does your body become imbalanced? Where does this excess acid in the body come from?

Look in the mirror!

The simple act of living produces enormous amounts of acid in your body. You see, every cell in your body absorbs nutrients and excretes waste products that can be extremely acidic.

Some of this waste is used to produce energy. But some of us can't efficiently use or eliminate this acidic waste. And so, we end up with a toxic waste heap inside our bodies getting more acidic each day.

High acidity in the body wreaks havoc at the cellular level damaging DNA or killing the cell outright creating even more acid to destroy or damage more cells.

The resulting damage-even from mild acid imbalances-can include:
  • cardiovascular problems
  • constricted blood vessels
  • reduced oxygen flow
  • weight management
  • blood sugar metabolism
  • bladder and kidney disease
  • decreased immune function
  • acceleration of free radical damage
  • joint aches
  • weakened bone structure
  • aching muscles
  • low energy
  • infertility
  • low sex drive 
The solution?

Preserve a perfect pH balance in your body. Lower your acidity levels and increase your alkaline levels to ensure cellular health.

Easier said than done.

You would need to consume 72 different essential minerals to balance your acid levels and preserve a healthy pH balance.

These minerals include:
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Iodine
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Chromium
  • Molybdenum
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Boron
  • Cobalt
  • And 59 other minerals
You couldn't eat all the foods necessary to acquire these minerals. And there is no supplement that contains all these minerals in a Miracle Pill.

So, what can you do?

Our research team recommends a revolutionary new product that works to help your body...
  • Manage acid waste...
  • Maintain your alkaline levels...
  • And perfectly balance your pH...
Just 4 drops a day of this amazing liquid suspension and you'll start to notice higher energy levels...experience significantly fewer body aches...and feel mentally sharper than ever!

This is a health breakthrough virtually no one is talking about and we highly recommend you check it out for yourself. For details on this breakthrough product, CLICK HERE.

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