Monday, June 25, 2012

The Pharmacy of the Amazon

Imagine a super food that that is a virtual pharmacy-but without the toxins and side effects of prescription drugs.

Most Westerners have never heard of this super food. But the indigenous cultures of the Amazon prize this nutritional resource for its life-sustaining properties.

What is it?

It's called cupuaçu, a fruit that grows in only a few places in and  around the Amazon Rainforest. And the word is slowly getting out about the fantastic properties of this amazing super food.
Cupuaçu fruit is being discovered as a
wonderful source of natural energy and vitality.

A close relative of cacao (from where we get chocolate) cupuaçu has a taste that is often compared to chocolate. Other varieties of cupuaçu taste more like banana or melon or even bubble gum.

Of course, in addition to the sought-after taste, cupuaçu is harvested as a health supplement. And that's why I'm writing you.

The miracle of cupuaçu is its concentration of theobromides that provide a caffeine-like energy-boost. But it doesn't contain caffeine. This energy-boosting effect promotes vitality and increases energy levels.

Cupuaçu is often used as a natural pain killer.

And cupuaçu is packed with vitamins B1, B2, niacin, fatty and amino acids, and at least nine antioxidants to support your body's ability to fight disease. And the high concentration of these antioxidants gives your body the ability to fight free radicals.

Other benefits include:
  •  Support of healthier skin and hair from the inside out
  •  Maintain cholesterol levels already in a healthy range
  •  Support for cognitive functions
  •  Promote heart health
  •  Enhance and boost sexual performance
It's no wonder demand for this super food is steadily growing as word gets out.

Unfortunately, cupuaçu is in limited supply. It can only be farmed in very specific climates. And it takes about 3 to 5 years for a cupuaçu plant to mature enough to produce fruit.

That's why if you find a quality source for cupuaçu,stick with it. This super food truly is the Pharmacy of the Amazon.

P.S. My team and I have worked hard to secure the all-natural ingredients (including cupuaçu) found in Inca Elixir. This special blend of seven super foods works together to help your body perform at its optimum level. See details on right.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Improve your brain with a personalized brain training program

I'd like to introduce you to a terrific new program, created by neurologists, to help improve your brain's health and performance. The program is called Lumosity. It takes the latest brain research and converts into highly effective and very fun brain games and challenges.

It's like taking your brain to the gym!

In partnership with researchers at Stanford, UCSF, Harvard, Columbia and other prestigious universities, Lumosity has developed this breakthrough training program that challenges cognitive abilities.

The exercises increase in difficulty and constantly adapt to each individuals unique brain development that result in...
  • Faster name recall
  • Greater attention to detail...
  • Improved focus...
  • And quicker problem-solving skills.
Best of all, the results of these exercises are significant and long lasting.

This is science that really works.

In just a few minutes a day you'll improve your brain's health and performance. You'll enjoy long-lasting cognitive benefits. And it's fun, too!

What's more over 20 million people worldwide have discovered this remarkable program for better brain health.

We here at the American Longevity Institute strongly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity especially if you or someone you love want to improve your chances at preventing or delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Here are a few true-life experiences from users of Lumosity.

"I love Lumosity! It is fun and very challenging! Great to wake up the brain cells! I have seen progress since I started the training in February 2010. Keep up the great work!" - Gale Kovach

"I am absolutely hooked on the brain games. I find I am remembering things more easily and able to think faster." - Kay J.

"Lumosity is one of the coolest things I've found and I'm on the Internet like 6+ hours a day."  - Brandon Danaher

"Ever since playing, I've been happier and more confident. I can concentrate on concepts or problems for a longer period of time and more clearly." - Oscar L.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

For longer life, lower your acidity levels

Here at the American Longevity Institute it's our mission to bring to you valuable health information to help you live a longer and happier life.

But, I can't understand when occasionally we stumble upon a hard-hitting health research discovery that should be front page news-and isn't.

This is one of those times.

A series of independent studies have shown that acidic levels in the body can be extremely detrimental to health and long life if not returned to proper balance.

Here's snippet of what they discovered:
  • Swiss researchers conducting studies on lab rats determined that high acid levels in the body stunted their growth and muscular-skeletal degeneration.   
  • A seven-year study from the University of California on 9,000 women determined that women with normal acid levels are more likely to have healthy bones.
  • Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that maintaining an optimally healthy acid levels promoted excellent respiratory and lung health-increased acidity levels could contribute to inflammation in bronchial airways.    
  • In a new study reported in the peer-reviewed journal, Diabetes Care, researchers from Norway discovered water acidity is directly linked to a greater balance of healthy blood sugar levels.
The research also showed that when the body's acidity is too high it will essentially CANNIBALIZE itself in order to return the body back to its proper pH balance.

The body turns to the lungs, kidneys, bones and skin in order to try and neutralize the excess acid. But it only succeeds in slowly destroying the body's health.

For optimum health your body needs to have a balanced "pH level."

The letters pH stand for "potential of hydrogen" and is measured on a scale from 0 to 14-zero representing most acidic and 14 representing most alkaline.

Your perfect balance needs to be between 7.0 and7.5, just slightly alkaline.

So how does your body become imbalanced? Where does this excess acid in the body come from?

Look in the mirror!

The simple act of living produces enormous amounts of acid in your body. You see, every cell in your body absorbs nutrients and excretes waste products that can be extremely acidic.

Some of this waste is used to produce energy. But some of us can't efficiently use or eliminate this acidic waste. And so, we end up with a toxic waste heap inside our bodies getting more acidic each day.

High acidity in the body wreaks havoc at the cellular level damaging DNA or killing the cell outright creating even more acid to destroy or damage more cells.

The resulting damage-even from mild acid imbalances-can include:
  • cardiovascular problems
  • constricted blood vessels
  • reduced oxygen flow
  • weight management
  • blood sugar metabolism
  • bladder and kidney disease
  • decreased immune function
  • acceleration of free radical damage
  • joint aches
  • weakened bone structure
  • aching muscles
  • low energy
  • infertility
  • low sex drive 
The solution?

Preserve a perfect pH balance in your body. Lower your acidity levels and increase your alkaline levels to ensure cellular health.

Easier said than done.

You would need to consume 72 different essential minerals to balance your acid levels and preserve a healthy pH balance.

These minerals include:
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Iodine
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Chromium
  • Molybdenum
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Boron
  • Cobalt
  • And 59 other minerals
You couldn't eat all the foods necessary to acquire these minerals. And there is no supplement that contains all these minerals in a Miracle Pill.

So, what can you do?

Our research team recommends a revolutionary new product that works to help your body...
  • Manage acid waste...
  • Maintain your alkaline levels...
  • And perfectly balance your pH...
Just 4 drops a day of this amazing liquid suspension and you'll start to notice higher energy levels...experience significantly fewer body aches...and feel mentally sharper than ever!

This is a health breakthrough virtually no one is talking about and we highly recommend you check it out for yourself. For details on this breakthrough product, CLICK HERE.

5 Things you Need to Know about Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's is an insidious disease. And it's not just about losing your memory.

It overtakes your brain and its functions robbing you of your health, and your virtually steals your soul.

Sufferers gradually lose their ability to learn, reason, make decisions, communicate and perform daily activities.

 Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia and there is no known cure.

Here are 5 compelling facts you need to know about Alzheimer's disease:
  1. Alzheimer's is an epidemic. The Alzheimer's Association estimates that there are 5.3 million Americans living with Alzheimer's today. That translates into a new case every 70 seconds. And as America continues to get older, that rate will balloon to one case every 33 seconds by 2050.   
  2. Normal Aging vs. Alzheimer's Disease. Not remembering where you put your car keys is a sign of old age. Forgetting what to do with those car keys could mean something more serious. Memory lapses are a typical part of aging. Alzheimer's sufferers, however, experience more bouts of forgetfulness than normal people over 60 years of age. They also have difficulty retaining new information and recalling the names of familiar objects.    
  3. Alzheimer's disease is more than lost memories. Forgetfulness is a hallmark symptom, but the disease cuts deeper. Your body actually forgets how to function. In fact, Alzheimer's disease causes death, as its progression eventually prevents the individual from moving or even swallowing.    
  4. Alzheimer's changes a person. Alzheimer's disease can result in behavioral symptoms such as agitation, suspiciousness, combativeness, repetition, and wandering. The symptoms are caused by damage to the brain and are not something that can be controlled or prevented.    
  5. It's not just the elderly. Individuals in their 40s and 50s can also be afflicted with Alzheimer's. This is called early onset Alzheimer's disease. While early onset AD accounts for only five to 10 percent of all instances, progression is faster and seems to occur within families.
So what can you do about this incurable wrath?

The good news is that Alzheimer's MAY be prevented or delayed. Research shows that getting plenty of physical exercise, eating a heart-healthy diet, keeping the mind active, and staying connected with family and friends are good for the brain and may help prevent or delay Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

If you suspect you or a loved one is developing early signs of Alzheimer's disease, please see a physician immediately. Don't delay. Early diagnosis is the first step to better health care.

It's another step to ensuring you live a happier and healthier life.