of the goals of the American Longevity Institute is to seek out and
find new breakthroughs in health and wellness. Our core mission is to
help you live a healthier and happier life.
But sometimes it's
not about discovering something new. It's about rediscovering the lost
and the forgotten secrets our ancestors tried to pass down to us.
Inca Elixir is one such example.
You see, one of the things that keep our research team very busy is answering a simple question-why is it our ancient ancestors virtually never got cancer?
There are some answers to be found in the environment we live in today including pollution, stress, toxins, and a poor diet.
But there is something more to this question. Just look at the history of Native Americans.
This is a whole race of people who were documented as virtual "super humans" by 16th, 17th and 18th century Europeans.
- Bathed in ice cold water in winter...
- Walked naked in the summer sun without burning...
- Ran down buffalo in a full sprint...
- Impervious to infection and disease....
By the end of the 19th
century and into today, Native Americans live a lifestyle far from what
their ancestors lived. It's no wonder Native Americans today have the
highest risks for...
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Osteoporosis
This is a dramatic change. And in historical terms a very sudden transformation from super humans to a weak and sickly nation.
Native Americans have abandoned their traditional foods and their traditional lifestyle.
But this is not a Native American-only problem. It's only the most dramatic illustration.
Diabetes, heart
disease, obesity, alcoholism, cancer, Alzheimer's and more are becoming a
normal part of life for all Americans-just as common as a cold.
The people of the Ancient World just did not suffer these kinds of ailments to the degree we see now.
So, what can you do?
Our research team recommends a new book that has identified a specific "X-Factor" that made our ancestors super humans.
It identifies a lost and long-forgotten component in our diet that helped our ancient ancestors...
- Fight rheumatoid arthritis
- Prevent cavities...
- Improve cardiovascular circulation...
- Balance blood sugar...
- Boost energy and strength...
The findings in this book are very compelling and the research is sound. For details on this breakthrough study on X-Factor, click here.